
Burn: The term for the permanent destruction of an NFT.

Capsule Collection: An NFT collection generated by the Capsule Protocol.

CapsuleFactory (CapsuleFactory.sol): An intermediary contract in the Capsule Protocol that allows users to deploy their own Capsule Collections.

CapsuleMinter (CapsuleMinter.sol): An intermediary contract in the Capsule Protocol that checks validity of Capsule NFTs, mints Capsule NFTs, and burns Capsule NFTs.

Capsule NFT: An NFT created using the Capsule Protocol that are able to store other tokens within them, which may be redeemed at a later date. Capsule NFTs follow the ERC-721 standards.

Capsule Protocol: The broad ecosystem of CapsuleNFT products that powers all applications of Capsule NFTs. It includes three main contracts: Capsule.sol, Capsule Factory.sol, and CapsuleMinter.sol.

Collection Locking: Permanently prevents the additional mintage of any NFTs to a collection Locking a collection requires an upper bound (an integer). After the upper bound amount of NFTs have been minted, the collection will never be able to mint another NFT. Once a collection is locked, it can never be unlocked. Only the owner of a collection can lock their collection.

Collection Owner: The collection owner has the exclusive ability to mint to their private collections. In addition, the collection owner also has the exclusive ability to lock their collections (see below for "Collection Locking" definition)

ERC-20 Capsule NFT: A Capsule NFT that may store any amount of ERC-20 tokens. Redemption of the stored tokens results in the burning of the Capsule NFT and attached art.

ERC-721 Capsule NFT: A Capsule NFT that may store any amount of ERC-721 tokens. Redemption of the stored tokens results in the burning of the Capsule NFT and attached art.

ERC-1155 Capsule NFT: A Capsule NFT that may store any amount of ERC-1155 tokens. Redemption of the stored tokens results in the burning of the Capsule NFT and attached art.

Metamaster (URI Owner): The Metamaster of a collection has the ability to change the tokenURI of any NFT created in their collection. If the Metamaster is set to the zero address, the Unique Resource Identifiers (URIs) of the collection are unchangeable by anyone.

Minting: The act of creating a new NFT.

Private Collection: A Capsule Collection from which only the collection owner (in most cases, the deployer) is able to mint Capsule NFTs.

Public Collection: A Capsule Collection from which anyone is able to mint Capsule NFTs.

Redemption: The act of exchanging your Capsule NFT in order to obtain the tokens stored within it. ERC-20 Capsule NFTs and ERC-721 Capsule NFTs are burned during the redemption process.

Simple Capsule NFT: A Capsule NFT that does not store any tokens. Simple Capsule NFTs function as normal ERC-721 NFTs.

Token Uniform Resource Identifier (TokenURI): Commonly used by creators to display NFT specific metadata. On creation, a collection can be passed a ‘tokenURI Owner’ who has the ability to change the metadata assigned to any NFT in that collection.

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