Creating a Collection

Learn how to create your own Capsule Collection.

For more information on Capsule Collections, please read Capsule Collections.

Step 1: Go to the App

Open the CapsuleNFT app - accessible through or our website,

Step 2: Connect Metamask

For more information on Metamask or to create an account, please visit their website.

Step 3: "Collections"

Step 4: Name the Collection

Enter the collection’s name (max 50 characters) and acronym (max 10 characters).

Capsule Collections are allowed to have the same names and acronyms. The unique identifier of each Capsule Collection is the Collection Address.

Step 5: Assign Metamaster

Assign the Collection Metamaster address - by selecting the zero address or your account, or by manually entering another address.

The Metamaster has the ability to change the metadata assigned to any NFT in that collection. This option could be very valuable for any collection owner that would want to ensure NFTs within their collection meet certain quality standards, or for NFT collections that require metadata updates after they have been minted.

The Metamaster can alternatively be set to the zero address in order to prevent anyone from changing NFT metadata in a collection.

Step 6: Private or Public

Select the checkbox if you want to assign the collection as private. If the checkbox is unselected, the collection will be public.

A public collection allows any user to mint new Capsule NFTs from this collection, while a private collection allows only the owner to mint Capsule NFTs in the collection.

Step 7: Create Collection

When you are finished, click “Create Your Own Collection”. You will be prompted with a confirmation page displaying info on the Capsule NFT you are trying to redeem. Click confirm and then accept the Ethereum transaction.

NOTE: This action interacts with the Ethereum blockchain and will cost ether to perform.

You will need to wait for your transaction to be processed before continuing to the next step. The status of your transaction can be viewed under "Recent Transactions" on the bottom of the page.

All done!

After your transaction is processed, your Capsule Collection will have been created. Capsule NFTs can now be minted to your collection!

pageViewing a CollectionpageLocking a CollectionpageMinting a Capsule NFT

Last updated